Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pride & The Preacher

“Are you the preacher?” the voice asked over the phone.

“Yes, I am.” I replied. “Why do you ask?”

“A few weeks ago, I was a visitor in your church and heard your sermon. Could I ask a few questions?”

“Sure.” I said with a smile, expecting a compliment.

“You told a story of a woman receiving communion? What does that have to do with the Bible?”

I started to explain how stories are an excellent way to teach scripture when he cut me off --

“Actually, I thought your sermon was pathetic!” He then went on to tell me why. When I tried to explain further, he cut me off saying, “I don’t understand how you can justify what you do as preaching?”

At this point, my mouth turned dry and my whole body was beginning to shake. How dare this young man tell me I was pathetic? (That’s not what he said.) Who does he think he is?

With gritted teeth, I semi-politely told him there are other churches in the area and he should consider attending one.

Later that day I read this story told by Jesus: “Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Preacher and the other was a dishonest businessman. The proud Preacher stood by himself and prayed: ‘I thank you, God, that I am not a sinner like everyone else, especially like that businessman over there! For I never cheat, I don’t sin, I don’t commit adultery, I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.’ “But the businessman stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’ I tell you, this sinner, not the preacher, returned home justified before God. For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored.” (Luke 18:9-14 occupations modernized)

If there was ever a famous parable about humility, this is it. The preacher is doing everything right. We should admire someone who consistently does what he is claiming. So why is Jesus giving him a hard time? The businessman was in church to confess a sin. Why is Jesus honoring him?

The temptation is to picture the preacher as secretly evil and the businessman as a nice guy who made a little mistake.

Don’t do that! Jesus is making an important point. Most of us become Christians by recognizing our sins and seeking forgiveness before God. We change our lifestyle and grow in faith. As we change, we also see more clearly the sins of our friends and coworkers. We want to offer guidance. “Why can’t they straighten out their lives and become more like me? Thank you God, I don’t make their mistakes.”

Did you catch it?

Comparing our lives to others may make us look a little better but not for long because the only comparison that ultimately matters is with God. With God, we always come up short.

A freshly painted white house stands out in most neighborhoods until it snows. Then, even the white paint looks pretty dull compared with the pure, freshly fallen snow.

We like to comfort ourselves that we are not thieves or drug dealers but we forget the more subtle sins of pride and neglecting others.

Then God’s truth hit me right between the eyes! I was the arrogant preacher in the story.

Someone called me, looking for answers. His criticism likely disguised a cry for help. Instead of listening and attempting to understand his underlying concerns, I became defensive and shut him out.

I was the one who needed God’s forgiveness. I was the preacher who needed to be humbled.

Two men began to pray. One was a businessman with a problem. The other, a preacher, considered one of the best in the community. The preacher compared himself with the businessman and thought he had arrived. The businessman compared himself with God and knew he was in deep trouble. Both were sinners but only one knew it: “For the proud will be humbled, but the humble will be honored.”

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sunday Prayer and Mission Challenge

Pray for our military and honor those who sacrificed their lives for our country as we prepare for Memorial Day on Monday. Pray for a peace that will bring our brave men and women home.

Pray for the thousands of families impacted by the tornado damage throughout much of the United States…. May we pray for them and continue looking for ways to do our part.

Today – 91 Churches throughout the Lynchburg District will be announcing a goal of sending 1000 Disaster Relief Buckets worth over $50,000 as our way of helping

  • List of Materials needed for Disaster Relief Buckets below
  • Bring materials to your church or to Timberlake
  • Sam’s Club collection – Today from 1:00 to 6:00 and Friday from 4:00 to Closing
  • Checks can go to any UMC church or Lynchburg District marked Tornado Relief
  • Assembly of Disaster Relief Buckets will be Saturday June 11 at Timberlake

Bishop Schnase with the Missouri conference wrote of what happened in Joplin:

"I give God thanks for every one of you for your many kind emails, voice messages, phone calls, and expressions of concern following the devastating tornado that destroyed much of Joplin, MO. Among those killed were several United Methodists, and every United Methodist Church in the area has members who have lost their homes. All our pastors and church staff are safe. We lost two church buildings, including St. Paul United Methodist Churc2h (a large, strong, vibrant congregation with an average attendance of close to 1000), and we lost the District Superintendent’s Office. Several other churches and parsonages received more limited damage. The hospital and five of the seven schools in Joplin were nearly completely destroyed."

"The city of Joplin was named after Rev. Harris Joplin, an early Methodist preacher who settled there in 1839. For years, he hosted people in his home and led them in worship, prayer, and singing. His ministry was one of hospitality in the truest sense, and he used his own humble dwelling as a tool for ministry. As far as I know, the building he used no longer exists, but the church community he founded provided the seeds from which dozens of area congregations have sprouted. All of us who are Missouri United Methodists are to some degree the fruit of his ministry."

"Tornadoes and hurricanes and floods and fires can take away our beloved and sacred places in a moment’s time, but the love of God that binds us to another is not nearly so vulnerable. God’s persistent and persevering love causes us to reach out to help a neighbor and to embrace strangers and to assist one another in the rebuilding of lives."

"The church is not the pile of lumber and bricks left after the destroying winds and rains; the church is the gathering of people standing above the rubble unified by the spirit of Christ to love and serve others. The church is the people counseling one another through unfathomable grief and loss. The church is people risking lives for their neighbors and opening their homes to strangers. The church is people across the state and nation and world praying and giving and preparing to offer their best and highest in service to help rebuild lives. The church is alive and vigorous and redeeming. It is grace in every gesture and love in every action. The church is the body of Christ doing the things Jesus did in Jesus’ name today."

- Excerpt from letter by Bishop Schnase

The writer of Ecclesiastes is said to have written while observing the destruction of Jerusalem. In many ways what the writer saw seems to compare with what has happened in the wake of hundreds of tornados striking throughout the US.

The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words.
I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss.

Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:
The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease.

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
I say to myself, “The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!”

(Ecclesiastes 3:19-24)

Here is what I learned:

  1. The pain and the loss suffered is very real. We should never forget.
  2. Yet, We still dare to hope. The faithful love of the Lord never ends.
  3. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.
That is our mission challenge. This Sunday is a time to remember, a time to pray and a call to action.

I think John Wesley himself provides the best guide with his Covenant Prayer.

I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things
to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.

We have accepted our own Covenant as we work together to help others throughout the United States who desperately need us. With the enthusiasm of our many faithful churches and the power of God’s Holy Spirit, we can and should expect miracles.

Disaster Relief Cleaning Bucket - Value: $ 55.00

  • liquid laundry detergent - two 25 oz. or one 50 oz. bottle
  • liquid household cleaner - 12‐16 oz. liquid cleaner
  • dish soap - 16‐28 oz bottle any brand
  • 1 can air freshener - aerosol or pump
  • 1 insect repellant spray - 6‐14 oz. aerosol or spray pump
  • 1 scrub brush - plastic or wooden handle
  • 18 cleaning wipes - handi wipes or reusable wipes
  • 7 sponges
  • 5 scouring pads
  • 50 clothespins
  • clothes line - two 50 ft. or one 100 ft., cotton or plastic.
  • 24 roll heavy duty trash bags
  • 5 dust masks
  • 2 pair disposable waterproof gloves - rubber or latex
  • 1 pair work gloves - cotton or leather

Friday, May 27, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

Dad, I was in an automobile accident this morning.

Are you okay? Was anyone else hurt? How serious was it?

I'm okay. No one else was hurt and it's not too serious.

What happened?

I was backing out of my friends' driveway and hit a pick-up truck. But Dad it wasn't my fault because the driveway had a huge 'S' curve in it. It was hard to maneuver and the truck was parked near the middle of the road --"

Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Son, did you say the truck was parked?

Well, yes, but it wasn't my fault. It was parked at such an odd angle.

I love you, son but if the truck wasn’t moving how can you say the accident wasn’t your fault? Do you blame it on the truck?

Does this sound familiar? Maybe you've had to listen while someone uttered lame excuses instead of confessing their mistakes. Worse, have you been the one making excuses? Admit it. We've all been there. Maybe that is why the following conversation between God and Adam is so important.
"They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze and hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden."

God said to Adam: Where are you?

I heard you in the garden and I was afraid and hid myself because I was naked.

Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?

It wasn't my fault! The fruit was handed to me!

What have you done?

It was the serpent who tricked me! (Adapted From Genesis, Chapter 3)

It was the serpent who tricked me. It wasn’t my fault. Someone should have warned me.

We make excuses. Yet, what God wants is for us to confess and repent. We claim to be victims instead of admitting that we are sinners. God warns us time and time again.

·         Amos: Come back to the Lord and live! (5:6)

·         Jeremiah: “And I will forgive their wickedness and will never again remember their sins.” (31:34)

·         John the Baptist: I baptize with water those who turn from their sins and turn to God. (Matthew 3:11)

God never asked for perfection; only a willingness to repent when (not if, when) we lose our way.  

Maybe you can hear the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden. Are you hiding among the trees? When God finds you, what will you say? "It wasn't my fault! It was the serpent!"

Or, another wayward son in the Bible handled his sins differently. He had the courage to say: "Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, and I am no longer worthy of being called your son." (Luke 15:21) 

Instead of condemning the wayward son the Father said: "We must celebrate with a feast, for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found." (15:23-24)

It sure beats trying to convince someone that an accident was caused by a parked truck.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Church and Cyberspace

The hospital informed June, a young single mother that her nine-year-old daughter, Melissa contracted a rare virus that affects the heart. Usual treatments would not be effective. Without a miracle her precious child could die within the next few days. Later that night, alone and feeling especially vulnerable, June gave in to her fears and began to sob uncontrollably. What would she do? Where would she go? The closest relatives were over 500 miles away and she had few friends.

Kathy, a nurse at the same hospital heard about June's situation and after returning home, turned on her computer and went online. First she contacted her Facebook friends and asked for prayers. Within minutes a reply appeared suggesting that she take the request to a national prayer web site that would reach thousands. Over the next few hours, nearly a hundred emails offering prayer and support arrived. Kathy printed each one to bring back to the hospital.

John, a pastor in the same community was checking his email. One message was from the same web site asking prayers for Melissa. Noticing the nearby location, he sent a text message to his church prayer leader and asked her to contact other members of the church prayer chain. Then he slipped on his coat and rushed to the hospital to be with the little girl and her mother.

Sharon, a virile disease specialist stationed at a hospital in Venezuela also saw the prayer request for Melissa and had a hunch that she could help the little girl. She found the hospital website and sent the doctor a message: “A new drug released for testing may be helpful.”  Within minutes they were both connected by Skype so she could visually demonstrate how to use the new drug.

Within two days, the treatment was beginning to work. Melissa was now in a regular room and was sleeping peacefully. Her mother, June was sitting nearby reading the stack of email notes offering support and prayer. Also in the room were John and several members of the church prayer chain. The atmosphere in her hospital room was electric with the healing spirit of God.   

This amazing story demonstrates God’s power at work within a new medium called Cyberspace.

The business world has been mesmerized by the profit potential of the Internet, but few people realize how much the digital world is transforming the nature of the church and how we do ministry. Andrew Careaga, author of E-vangelism: Sharing the Gospel in Cyberspace writes: “On the ‘Net,’ any Christian with a home computer, a modem and access to one of many available online services can be a missionary to thousands of people without ever leaving home.”

Here are some common examples of Christian Cyberspace Ministry:

·         A pastor is in regular contact with those in her church and those who have moved away through Facebook.

·         One pastor regularly receives feedback and questions in the midst of his sermon through text messages.

·         A Bible Study web site gives thousands a chance to understand God’s Word.

·         A student beginning to explore her faith finds love and acceptance in a Christian chat room.

·         Another website provides You Tube style messages with a Christian theme.

·         Biblical devotions now reach thousands instantly and receive feedback, offer counseling and prayer support all over the world.

·         A Single Adult started a Christian based Facebook ministry to meet new friends and explore ministry and mission opportunities.

In the early days of the church, the book of Acts reports: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.” (2:42)

Our mission has never changed. We still devote ourselves to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer. Now we have more tools to help us. 

Can a Christian web site or Facebook page ever replace the intimacy of personal contact?

Maybe not but Christian Websites and Facebook pages do offer exciting opportunities for communication, prayer, teaching and fellowship that can ultimately lead to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Even today, we can be filled with awe at the many wonders and miraculous signs being done in the name of Christ.

Just ask a single mother named June about how God healed Melissa.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Prayer: May 22, 2011

May 21, 2011 – The day every one watched to see… Is it true?

Facebook, TV… everyone seemed to be making jokes about the rapture.

Yet… did you check at 6:00 PM just to be sure nothing happened? (I did too.)

I confess to mixed reactions.

Like many, I made jokes but inside, I cringed over the media attention.

Is this the only way people know us as Christians?

Predicting the end of the world? Reading the Bible like a secret code book?

We’re often portrayed as strange and loony. Fewer and fewer people take us seriously.

These are not the best of days to proclaim: “I am a follower of Jesus Christ!”

Our churches struggle just to pay the bills and seldom have the resources or the energy to do much more than survive.

On our district we challenged ourselves with two questions:

How big is your dream? How good is your team?

At times, those questions seem out of reach. Our dreams don’t seem nearly big enough and there just doesn’t seem to be anyone around to help.

One of my colleagues in a message this week admitted to at times wanting to curl up on his living room rug and beg: “Take me home, Lord. Take me home.”

OK… before you suggest I stop writing and go take a “Happy Pill” there is a point to this.

In Psalm 16:8-11:

I know the LORD is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety.

For you will not leave my soul among the dead
or allow your holy one to rot in the grave.
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence
and the pleasures of living with you forever. (Psalm 16:8-11)

OK. I admit, this was a tough week but…

“I know the Lord is always with me.”

Yes, at times Christians are portrayed poorly but God gives us opportunities every day to witness to the truth.

“I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.”

Sure, at times our churches will struggle to merely survive much less carry out the mission God has given us.

“You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.”

Yesterday, May 21, I drove to the other end of the state to attend a worship service honoring a couple, Jan and Clayton Smith who both died within a month. They were dear friends of our family. We attended the same church together. Their three children were approximately the same ages as my sister and I, so we were all closely connected.

At the service, I listened to story after story of how Jan and Clayton persevered in the midst of an often difficult life.

Clayton was a fixer, happiest when he could be with his children or grandchildren fixing their computer.

Jan was the bundle of enthusiasm who always had something good to say about everyone. When the preacher asked the choir where she sang for over 40 years, what were her favorite hymns, they all immediately answered: “All of them.”

The grandchildren nearly all spoke or sang or played a musical instrument in dedication to their grandma and grandpa who loved them and encouraged them throughout their lives.

People in the church stood and spoke of the encouragement they received from Jan and Clayton during difficult times.

As I listened to story after story, I was reminded…

Our witness as Christians is not in attempting to explain or predict the rapture to come. It’s enough to believe that the rapture will come and to remember Jesus saying: “It is not for us to know the time or the place.”

Our witness as Christians is often at its best when we are struggling to pay the bills and merely survive because people see us dealing with crisis without panic but content with the knowledge that God will be with us even to the end of the age.

Our witness as a district is to continue looking for big dreams and to continue building good teams but to know that often our best witness is in those simple day to day interactions where no TV cameras will be recording but real lives will be influenced and ultimately changed.

Our real witness is to be reassured by the words of Psalm 16.

I know the LORD is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety.

For you will not leave my soul among the dead
or allow your holy one to rot in the grave.
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence
and the pleasures of living with you forever. (Psalm 16:8-11)

May you know God’s presence in worship today.

May you know the Lord is always with you.

Do not be shaken for he is right beside you.

May your heart be glad and may you rejoice.

For God will not leave your soul among the dead.

God will show you the way of life, granting you the Joy of His presence and the pleasure of living with Him forever.

Friday, May 20, 2011

One early Friday morning, years ago, Tabernacle United Methodist, a beautiful church in Amelia County, Virginia burned to the ground. When I arrived, all that remained were cement steps leading to charred posts and black soot. Church members and bystanders could only stare in shock and disbelief.

It was like witnessing a death of someone you love.

A church building represents a community full of shared memories: baptisms celebrating life, funerals remembering our afterlife, worship services giving glory to the God we love and serve, covered-dish suppers providing good food and joyous fellowship, meetings agonizing over how best to serve God, children’s Christmas specials and youth activities offering fun and spiritual opportunities.

Yet we were all staring at the ruined hulk that used to be an active church. I wanted to do something. I wanted to help but how?

After a few hurried phone calls, our church decided to cancel Sunday services and we joined the congregation at Tabernacle. We came to grieve and bring gifts of love.

We came expecting a funeral, but there was none to be found. Instead, we witnessed the miracle of a church being reborn!

A colorful banner was propped over the front steps proclaiming proudly: Worship, Sunday 9:45 AM. Two greeters were there to welcome us, hand out bulletins and attach yellow ribbons. Chairs were placed on the lawn, donated by a local funeral home. A makeshift pulpit with a cross and pictures of the church were placed in front of the burned-out building. A pick-up truck held a makeshift sound system and the choir was seated off to one side. The miracle for God’s church was just beginning!

The pastor began by describing the events leading up to the fire, including a church meeting that actually discussed building an addition, which would include a fellowship hall and a kitchen. Then he described the total shock of the fire and how he had to keep returning to the scene just to make sure it wasn’t all a nightmare.

Finally, he paused and announced to the congregation and to us: “We are going to build a new church and it will have our new fellowship hall and a kitchen.”

He described a stranger who described driving by the church for years. He took all the money out of his wallet and handed it to the pastor and then vowed to come back with more. A cabinetmaker promised to build new cabinets as a donation. A carpenter volunteered his labor. A church offered their mission team. Another church offered free use of their building. Other churches donated hymnbooks and office equipment.

There was worship, prayers were offered and in the midst of the smoking ruins, a church began to dream and build toward the future. A miracle was quietly taking place.

Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “You are blessed, Simon son of John, because my Father in heaven has revealed this to you…Now I say to you that you are Peter (the rock) and upon this rock I will build my church and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.” (Matthew 16:16-18)

I learned a valuable lesson that morning. Most of us take the existence of our churches for granted. Sometimes, it takes a tragedy, like a fire to remind us of the vital role God’s “rock” the church plays throughout our lives.

Over the next few months, I witnessed miracle after miracle as Tabernacle United Methodist Church began the rebuilding process. In the mist of their tragedy, people and funds seemed to appear when they were needed most.

One year later, I was invited to another worship service: This time to celebrate a miracle of rebirth. In twelve months, money was raised, contractors secured and a new church was built on the ashes of the old. In the midst of the rebuilding, as more people were caught up in the enthusiasm, worship attendance and membership nearly doubled.

On the day of the fire, two white lilies were placed on the empty front steps of the burned out sanctuary as a symbol of resurrection and rebirth.

One year later in place of the empty steps and the white lilies stood a new church as a vivid reminder of how God creates life amidst the ruins.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lost Cars

After a long, tiring week at school, I couldn’t wait to begin the long two-hour drive home. But as I neared the parking lot, something seemed out of place.

My car was missing!

“Can you believe this?” I thought. “Some dirty rotten, no-good, stole my car. Now what?”

Furious, I stomped to the campus police station and demanded action. After patiently filing a report, the officer broadcast my car's description over the radio.

My thoughts were jumbled as I waited: "How would I get home? Would insurance cover this?"

Within five minutes an officer called back saying, “I think I’ve found it!”

“What happened?” I wondered. “Did the thief take a joyride and then abandon the car? Would there be any damage?”

A few minutes later, I was driven to a parking lot less than 200 yards from where my car was stolen.

Oops! Was it stolen? With a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach, I suddenly remembered that this particular week, I parked my car in a different lot.

I parked my car in the wrong place and out of habit simply expected it to be where it never was. “How embarrassing!” 

Many church leaders could be accused of the same problem “Out of habit, I expect our church to be where they never were.” As a pastor I need to be careful to guide our church to the right parking lot.

In other words, is our church in the wrong parking lot? Are we merely comfortable with doing what worked forty or fifty years ago when we should be looking for ways to serve God and meet the real needs of the world of today?

The last words of Jesus were: “I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

I see three lessons:

·         Vision: I have been given complete authority -- Jesus has been given complete authority from God. Does your church have a vision that reflects God’s authority? It’s hard to know what path to travel without an eventual destination. Where does your church want to go?
·         Teach: Teach these new disciples -- Are you teaching disciples? People are hungry to grow stronger in their faith. Is your church offering a good Bible Study that will allow them to ask tough questions? Do you offer small groups for prayer and support?
·         Empower: Baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit – Are we serious about empowering disciples? One good description of a church is as matchmaker: matching community needs with the unique talents of people. New disciples are encouraged to join existing ministries or form new ones which in turn, attract more new disciples to teach and empower. It is an endless cycle of growth and renewal.

Here is the promise:

Jesus says, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” This wonderful assurance gives us wisdom to pray, patience to wait, discipline to prepare, humility to encourage and ultimately courage to take risks knowing that God always lovingly protects us.

Some examples:
·         A dying church participates in a special Bible study. During one class, they decide to start an after-school program. Three years later the church is back on its feet and growing.
·         A coat salesman in a Sunday school class hears of school children with no winter coats. The coat project now provides new coats for more than 150 children every year.
·         A struggling church sends a discouraged widow to a singles retreat. She comes back with a vision to start a singles ministry. Thanks to her ministry, the church is thriving.     

What about the future?

It took a lost automobile to help me realize that looking towards the future first means knowing that I am in the right parking lot. If the church I serve has a vision and is faithfully teaching and empowering disciples then ultimately God will give us a unique ministry suitable for our church and our community.

Meanwhile, I’m working on improving my memory.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday Morning and Psalm 111

When faced with tough decisions where the consequences are particularly difficult, how do you include God?

Ideally, God is within every phase of the process but it’s not always easy. But if we are to proclaim ourselves Christian then Christ must be within every part of our life.

“I am a Christian,” is not something I merely proclaim on Sunday morning. I must be willing to allow Jesus Christ to influence my Monday through Saturday life as well.

How do I do that? Really!

I’ve been in the midst of some particularly difficult decisions over the past few weeks. During one of my prayer times, I ran across Psalm 111 and found the words comforting but at the same time, challenging.

Maybe they will provide comfort and challenge to you as well.  

Praise the LORD! I will thank the LORD with all my heart
    as I meet with his godly people.
How amazing are the deeds of the LORD!
    All who delight in him should ponder them.

Psalm 111 is a song of praise to God but within the praise are some reminders as to why we should praise God.

As I meet with his godly people… We are not alone. We are with others.
How amazing are the deeds… God has a history of being with us, taking care of us.
All who delight in him should ponder them… There is our challenge. Before we make any difficult decisions we should remember and reflect on how God has provided for us.

Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty.
    His righteousness never fails.
He causes us to remember his wonderful works.
    How gracious and merciful is our LORD!

Everything he does…
His righteousness never fails…
Remember his wonderful works…

So, as you agonize over difficulties, remember: “How gracious and merciful is our Lord!”

He gives food to those who fear him;
    he always remembers his covenant.
He has shown his great power to his people
    by giving them the lands of other nations.

In the midst of facing the possible consequences of your decision, something deep down needs to remind you that God will ultimately take care of you and all those impacted.

He gives food…God will provide for your day to day necessities.
He always remembers his covenant… God will never forget you.
He has shown his great power… God has proven this throughout history.
By giving them land… Here is one amazing example but there are many others.

God will provide.

All he does is just and good,
    and all his commandments are trustworthy.
They are forever true,
    to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity.

As you make your decision, remember this:

All he does is just and good…
All his commandments are trustworthy…
They are forever true…
They are to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity.

Yes, there are difficulties and challenges ahead but in the end we recognize that God is in the midst of us and can be trusted and should be followed.

He has paid a full ransom for his people.
    He has guaranteed his covenant with them forever.
    What a holy, awe-inspiring name he has!

God has paid a full ransom for us…
God has guaranteed his covenant with us…

What can you say but: What a holy, awe-inspiring name he has!

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom.
    All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom.
    Praise him forever!

Fear of the Lord will be the foundation of our true wisdom.
Our obedience to his commandments will help us grow in wisdom.
So, praise him forever!

As you face your toughest decisions, put Psalm 111 beside you. It may not make the decision process easier but it will provide a foundation for wisdom in the midst of the process and you will receive the comfort of knowing that God will be with you.

As you prepare for Sunday, know that God is with you. As you worship on Sunday, may you know that God will also be with you Monday through Saturday. When you are faced with seemingly impossible decisions know that God has provided a framework to guide you and God has a history of providing answers and comfort.

May you be comforted and guided by God’s presence in every part of your life.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Church Quilts

Mell and I were once surprised at Christmas with a beautiful hand-made quilt. The contributors, some experienced, others just wanting to help, each made squares and signed their name. The individual piece was then carefully sewn together to form a lively mixture of patterns and colors. The result was a quilt of lasting beauty, which will always remind me of a special church and the love they shared with our family.

Like my quilt, churches are a lively mixture of people-squares with varying degrees of challenges, joys and sorrows. The list below highlights some good and flawed examples of people-squares who have helped form a church-quilt of beauty and color, pleasing to God.

Seven children, with nervous giggles begin a Bible study. Their enthusiasm is contagious and questions are penetrating. Upon hearing the story of Abraham and the miracle birth of Isaac, which means “laughter,” there are visible reactions of snickers and joy.

Fifty-some folks hop into pick-up trucks after worship to drive through mud and debris to a near-by creek bank. Singing, “Shall we gather at the river,” they have come to witness the baptism of three dedicated men who have given their lives to God in the cold frigid waters near their home.

The church board debates whether to buy curtains or stained-glass windows with their $3000 surplus. One member asks for $300 to purchase Christmas gifts for several needy children. After a long silence, no surplus money is offered, but they do agree to take up an offering. The children receive bicycles and the church gets a new carpet.

A man in the local community has a heart attack and nearly dies. While in the hospital, he makes a commitment to serve God by attending a small-struggling church. Within a few months he is motivating and encouraging others through his enthusiastic witness. Both are blessed.

One thirty-something member feels led to start a new Sunday school class for younger adults. Another wants to reach-out to single adults. Soon, with encouragement, help and prayer the two new groups combine and become one of the largest classes in the church.

A nurse asks a nearby church to build a handicap ramp for an elderly patient in the county. The men’s group sends a team of volunteers who spend their Saturday building the ramp and making a few minor repairs to the house as well.

A new member attending her first leadership meeting suggests the church occasionally sing more upbeat music, younger people can relate too. Another member stands and makes it clear she is not interested in learning new songs. The subject is dropped. The new member no longer attends.    

A young man asks if he can play softball with the church team. Before the season is over, God touches his life. The team however, still finishes in last place.

On two warm spring evenings, 24 students of all ages gather to celebrate completing a demanding nine-month Bible study. During the worship service class members talk of receiving life-changing support from God and the group.      

Just as squares are stitched together to form a colorful quilt, the church is made up of various individuals looking for an ongoing relationship with God. There are a few mistakes made and sins committed but there are also wonderful acts of love and courage. The result is a church-quilt of lasting beauty, which will always remind me of a special community and God’s gracious love.

Oops! I almost forgot. There is something missing. One square is deliberately blank and waiting for you because without you and the unique contribution and gifts God has given you, our quilt is incomplete. God’s church-quilt has plenty of space available for people-squares just like you and me. Come join us but don’t forget your needle and thread.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Curse of the Pink Flamingos

Please note that I am writing this column while being held captive by insidious members of our church youth group. As the esteemed writer Dave Berry would say: “I am not making this up!” Also, my humble apologies to the Flamingo Lawn Ornament Preservation Society, commonly referred to as F.L.O.P.S. I realize there are wonderful, wholesome benefits to having flamingo lawn ornaments in your yard and any remarks considered tacky, ugly, and serve no benefit were made under duress. 

It all started weeks earlier when I read the following announcement given to me by this same ruthless youth group now holding me hostage:

Alas! There is an affliction in our church! At any time, at any hour, at any moment, your yard is in jeopardy of being saturated with tacky, ugly, pink flamingos. Think about your usual morning routine; comfortable and relaxed. You calmly go to pick-up the morning paper and there out in your front yard are those bright, plastic, pink flamingos! Oh, the shame! What will the neighbors think?

“But don’t despair! There is hope in the air!”

Our brave youth group is now -- “The Flamingo Busters!” Quick as a flash, before you can say, “Help! Get these pink flamingo’s out of my yard!” our “Flamingo Busters” are ready to respond; for a small donation of course.

Quickly and efficiently they will remove the tacky and distasteful affliction from your yard. Better yet, buy our new “no pink flamingo’s in my yard please!” insurance policy and receive a 24 hour watch to protect your property for one full year from these awful pink destroyers of “good taste.”  In other words: pay a little now or pay more later! All proceeds naturally go to charity.

In an effort to keep our congregation duly informed, I read the announcement. But then I paused and added, These pink flamingo threats don’t intimidate me. I refuse to buy insurance or give-in to these cheap theatrical tricks.

While speaking, I noticed two people running over to the youth to buy insurance.  

The next morning, the following email message was on my computer: The Pink Flamingo reign of terror has begun!”  “Oh no,” I screamed and ran outside. There were fifteen pink flamingos in all their glory perched in my front yard. I dialed “Flamingo Busters” and did the only noble thing a poor preacher could do. I begged them to come immediately and remove those pink, ugly birds from my yard! They came but before removing the pink terror, they tied me up and forced me to write this story so everyone will know of the Pink Flamingo Affliction.
I know what you’re thinking! Larry, what in the world does this have to do with religion, serving God or the church? Maybe more than you think.

Psalm 95 begins: Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us give a joyous shout to the rock of our salvation! Let us come before him with thanksgiving. Let us sing him psalms of praise. For the Lord is a great God… (1-3)

Be honest, when was the last time you heard a joyous shout in your home, in your office, at your school or in your church?

Expressing joy with creativity and imagination is part of our service to God. No group expresses joy in more creative ways than our youth. (Remember, I’m still tied up.) Recently, the youth led one of our worship services. There was creative dancing, flags, amusing but thought-provoking drama, music and lots of participation. Everyone left the church with a smile on their face and a new appreciation of God’s awesome love. 

I learned two things from this story:

  1. Creatively, look for joy in serving God. If your home or church seems lacking then look for innovative ways to add your own style of joy.
  2. Don’t overlook the contribution of our youth. They can restore the joy in us all.

Oh, one more thing. If someone offers to sell you “no pink flamingos in my yard, please” Insurance -- buy it, immediately, before it’s too late!